About Us
Fish Welfare Initiative (“FWI”) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN #85-2065536). Contributions to FWI are tax-deductible in the US to the fullest extent of the law.
See our Cultural Values.
Our Cultural Values
Below are the seven values that we believe reflect FWI’s operations and ambitions. These reflect the core principles through which work at FWI is conducted, and that every team member lives by.

Impact First: Before anything else, helping fishes guides every decision we make (even if it goes against our own personal interest).
Example: We refused a project with one of the most prominent international NGOs because we felt that it was too unlikely to cause better lives for fishes.

In the Field: We go to work where the problems are. Every decision we make is informed by the actual conditions on the ground.
Example: Most of our workforce is Indian, and most of our work is in India.

Honesty and Transparency: We are an unusually open and honest organization. This applies everywhere, from feedback to a colleague to sharing failures on our public blog.
Example: We publicly share the results of all our culture surveys. We publicly share all our goals even if we did not achieve them.

Radical Compassion: We go above and beyond in showing kindness to all.
Example: If a staffer leaves a street dog who needs help in order to be on time for an important meeting, they have failed their responsibilities at FWI.

Good Citizens of the Animal Movement: The animal movement comes before FWI. We share with the movement generously and we take from it only as much as we need.
Example: We turn down funding that we do not need, because we know that other organizations in the movement will benefit more from those funds.

Regular Change: At FWI, we tackle tough problems that demand continuous adaptation. It is unlikely for nothing big to change for over a year.
Example: We are adding Version numbers to FWI to build change into how we think.

Evidence-Based: Intuition alone isn't enough. We strive to ground all decisions in evidence, even if it means generating the data ourselves. This applies to both programs and operations.
Example: We conduct primary animal welfare research, despite almost no other animal org doing this.