Announcing a New Competition: Vote for Your Favorite Aquatic Animal Organization
The winner will be deemed
the most cost-effective aquatic animal organization ever, and
given ALL the money.

Why vote for Fish Welfare Initiative?
We were here first.
We have a bigger button.
We bought a castle.
Why vote for Shrimp Welfare Project?
They have more memes.
They were on the 80,000 Hours podcast before us (but only After Hours).
Shrimps are sentient and feel pain (and are also awesome!).

Unfortunately, conditions are often extremely poor for fish in aquaculture.
The majority of farmed fish are subject to overcrowded and restrictive conditions, which, when unchecked, lead to severe stress, worse water quality, and more fish dying.

Fish welfare is the future.
Welfare interventions are a necessary step towards a more sustainable, humane, and resilient future for all sentient beings.
Learn more about why fish welfare is important for our future.
Imagine a world with healthier ecosystems, more resilient businesses, and better fish welfare.
Here's how we get there.

Let's start with the numbers:
An estimated 73-180 billion fish are farmed each year.
That makes fish the most farmed group of vertebrates in the world.

Aquaculture is the fastest growing food sector in the world.
As aquaculture grows, more people become reliant on fisheries for food, more jobs are dependent on aquaculture, and more fish are farmed.

As aquaculture grows, fish welfare must grow, too.

We're working to improve the welfare of billions of fish through collaborative welfare interventions.

Who We Are
Fish Welfare Initiative (FWI) is a startup organization whose mission is to improve the welfare of fish as much as possible. We focus specifically on farmed fish, i.e., fish raised in aquaculture.

What We Do
We collaborate with corporations, governments, and producers to improve fish welfare standards and practices.
Our broad approach is simple: we research the most promising ways of improving fish welfare, and then we enable stakeholders to do so.

How We Do It
We believe in having the greatest impact we can. Following our initial research, our team now partners with NGOs to help farmers introduce higher welfare farming methods in the second-highest fish producing country in the world: India.